Scott Lloyd Anderson workshop
Painting Snow
Landscape painting here in Minnesota is unique. We have 4 distinct seasons. Even if you’re not an outdoor painter, winter offers wonders to provide an antidote to that heavy diet of greens the rest of the year. No doubt you’ve been amazed at the glowing blue-violets and peachy pinks on the snow when the sun is getting low. This workshop will explore snow in particular. How do you get a sense of this with oil paint? Watercolor and acrylic painters are welcome but these media are not my forte. The same principles of value, chroma and temperature will apply.
We’ll talk about photographic reference: how to interpret it and how to shoot it. Photos are simply a tool. How can you use paint to describe how vivid or how subtle winter’s colors are. Painting is about seeing and how to mix those colors. How can we approach creating that feeling of what we experience with our eyes? I trust that painting snow in this workshop will help you paint a wide variety of subjects!
Intermediate level painting required.
$350 for three full days. Limited to 15 artists. Contact Scott Lloyd Anderson before the class fills to ensure your place in the class.
See the “Snow” page on Scott’s website for examples and ideas.